Cradle to Cradle - leaving a big and positive footprint
The C2C school of thought is characterized by a positive conception of man with a positive footprint: as beneficial organisms humans are a part of the environment. Old patterns of thinking are abandoned, while new paths towards intelligent abundance are established.

The C2C design concept is based on the fundamental assumptions of the C2C school of thought and spells out what that specifically means of three underlying principles, all of which build on the inherent intelligence of natural systems: “waste equals food,” “use solar income” and “celebrate diversity.” The C2C design concept defines usage scenarios while selected healthy materials of comprehensive quality circulate in biological and technical cycles.

Nora Sophie Griefahn is member of the executive board and co-founder of the Cradle to Cradle Association Germany. She studied environmental sciences and engineering at the Leuphana University Lüneburg, the Technical University of Berlin, the Goethe University Frankfurt, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, as well as the University of Copenhagen. Further studies abroad led her to the USA and France.