POCACITO BLM - June 18, 2020

A whole lot is happening every week and while nobody has all the answers, together, we can find ways to respond and to deal with the challenges we all face while pursuing sustainable cities: be it health, equity or racism or all three together.

Donna Hope, Jordie Vasquez and Floyd George

Our three speakers:

  • Jordie Vasquez, architect by training and green urbanist by heart with a passion for sustainability, diversity, and inclusion (https://urbanonsite.com/); and
  • Donna Hope, freelance consultant provides strategic consulting, advising, and advocacy around various aspects of ecology, environmentalism, sustainability, resiliency, diversity, equity and inclusion (http://www.uhope-consulting.com/).
  • Floyd Godsey II, is a Maryland Master Gardener and has been building vegetable gardens in Baltimore for 5 years now. He currently is the farm manager for Cherry Hill Community Urban Garden (CHCUG). Floyd’s main focus is on transforming communities through urban farming to help aid in curing the food deserts crisis
    in Baltimore City.

In addition to sharing about their current work, Jordie, Donna and Floyd discuss on the intersectionality of the enviro-climate movement and racial justice.