Regenerating Sonora: Applying Regenerative Principles and Practices
with special guest Christopher Casillas.
POCACITO met Chris when visiting Superior, Arizona in 2019. We are so glad to have him join us online.
Regeneration goes well-beyond agriculture. See how a small Arizona town is using regenerative principles and practices to better serve life in their community. By the end of this talk, you’ll be able to apply what you learn and test for yourself if what’s shared helps you to realize greater potential in your work, in your relationships, and in yourself.

Christopher Casillas co-founded and leads Regenerating Sonora, a nonprofit focused on regenerative community development. He is a board member of the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, and is a member of Jim Rutt’s Protob Incubator. Prior to this, he helped shape culture and business development processes as an early employee of a tech startup, turned fastest growing company. His love of culture and adventure lead him to visit some 40 countries, and to spend time with indigenous peoples of Africa, Asia, and South America. Christopher considers tending wisdom teachings as central to his life task work and is a student and practitioner of various traditions.

Regenerating Sonora:
Regenerating Sonora 501(c)(3) is working towards seeing all life thriving in the Sonora Bioregion. We seek to unleash the potential of underserved communities in systemic ways that foster education, collaboration, and inspiration. We see this leading to healthy communities filled with people who are capable of being a blessing to the world around them. Immediately, we are focused on the town of Superior, AZ, a rural mining community of some 3,000 souls.
Want to find out more before the event?
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Their current fund raiser (just FYI):
To set the scene: here is a google maps look at Superior, Arizona (red marker):