Climate Justice
Carbon Neutral
Climate Positive
Net Zero Energy

A dialogue with sustainability experts from St. Louis and Europe.

Hosted by the City of St. Louis Office of Sustainability, Washington University and the POCACITO project.

In April 2017, Lyda Krewson won a historic election to become the first woman to serve as mayor of St. Louis. Prior to the election, Krewson served as 28th Ward Alderwoman. She is also a CPA and served as the CFO for an international design firm until her election as Mayor in 2017.

As Mayor, Krewson has focused intently on public safety, naming Judge Jimmie Edwards as Director of Public Safety and John Hayden as Chief of Police. She also led the effort to pass Proposition P, a half cent sales tax to provide salary and benefit increases for police and firefighters, and a million each for summer jobs, recreation for kids, mental health, and demolition. Krewson is also focused on reducing vacant buildings, cleaning up St. Louis, increasing economic and workforce development, and providing good service to all St. Louis residents, businesses and visitors.

Justyna Król, Urban Workshop

Justyna is an expert in social innovation and urban development. She is the CEO of Urban Workshop (Pracownia Miejska) – an urban foresight lab specialising in participatory future studies for municipalities, urban innovation models and sustainable development. Their flagship project is Miasta2050 [Cities 2050]. In 2018 Justyna received the Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award. Together with her team they have worked with multiple cities, corporations and governmental bodies in Poland, Moldova and Georgia.

Prior to founding Urban Workshop in 2014, she had spent 3 years working for the United Nations Development Programme (Country Office in Poland and Bratislava Regional Centre for Europe and Central Asia) as Social Innovation and Communication specialist. She has created one of the first Polish crowdfunding platforms and has run several crowdsourcing projects in the region. She is a coach and a speaker. A smart city expert for the National Chamber of Commerce in Poland.

Nina Sankovic, Head of PR, Voka Snaga, delved into Slovenia’s leading position in the development and deployment of circular economy system solutions. This was best exemplified the Ljubljana Regional Waste Management Centre (RCERO Ljubljana) – the biggest environmental project in Slovenia and the most modern facility for waste treatment in Europe.

Niko Korpar is a Project Manager at Circular Change from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Niko previously worked at the Ecological Engineering Institute and the Dutch circular economy consultancy Metabolic and has a Masters Degree from the University of Vienna in Socio/Ecological Economics and Policy (SEEP).

Grzegorz Gądek is the founder of skwer. He has 20+ years’ experience in digital products, since 2010 working on sustainable urban development through climate-positive spaces allowing multiple forms of physical activity. US Department of State & German Marshall Fund Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative 2018 Fellow.