POCACITO Summer Academy Podcast and Zine, 2024 edition

For one week in July, forty teenagers from Germany and the United States came to Camp Wilkes in Biloxi, Mississippi, to learn about the relationship between climate change and biodiversity by working together and in nature. You can find out more about the Summer Academy hosted in partnership with the Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center in an earlier post (They came to Biloxi…).
Part of the program included the production of a podcast and zine to document the activities and experiences of the group. In the podcast you’ll hear different students offer recaps of each day’s events and topics, from biomimicry and mapping-by-drone to seine fishing and island clean-up. In the zine you’ll get a sense of how much fun it was.
The POCACITO Summer Academy was made possible by the German Foreign Office, with support from the Mercator Stiftung Essen, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Washington DC, and Airbus Industries. Thank you to the ACE Warriors of Atlanta, the Berlin Cosmopolitan School, and the Alfred-Krupp-Schule in Essen.